Mit wartungsarmen und langlebigen Kondensatableitern Kosten sparen

To make optimal use of steam in industry, reliable condensate removal is crucial. Mechanical steam traps often struggle with wear, failure, steam loss and high maintenance costs. Venturi orifice steam traps, such as the ECOFLOW™ system from EBE Engineering, offer a low-maintenance and cost-effective alternative. 1. Increased efficiency through improved condensate drainage Leakage in mechanical […]

Tradition trifft Innovation: Die Erfolgsgeschichte der Venturi-Kondensatableiter


A simple physical principle makes it possible for Venturi orifice steam traps to operate without moving parts. Who discovered it and why has there still been scope for further optimising this proven technology in recent years? Although Venturi orifice steam traps only came onto the market in the 1990s, the principle on which they are […]

Häufige Probleme mit Kondensatableitern und wie Venturidüsen-Kondensatableiter sie lösen

Steam traps play a crucial role in maintaining energy efficiency within industrial settings by removing condensed water from steam systems. They come in various designs but essentially have the same function: draining condensate. However, mechanical designs are more prone to failure. These malfunctions, which often leave traps partially or fully open, result in significant energy, […]
