Steam is an efficient and effective energy medium that is used in industries worldwide to produce everything, from food to chemicals, to paper and building materials.
Steam is an efficient and effective energy medium that is used in industries worldwide to produce everything, from food to chemicals, to paper and building materials.
ECOFLOW Venturi Orifice steam trap is widely used today due to it’s ability to save industries money and reduce steam. The market for steam traps is many and varied. Steam can be used in any process that requires controlled heat transfer, it is an excellent medium as the temperature of the steam is directly proportional to its pressure.
Additionally, it is environmentally friendly as it is simply water under pressure, and due to the retained enthalpy in the condensate, it has its own motive force. Steam does not require additional energy to return the condensate to a receiver or the boiler house. We’ve got so many more excited industries using Venturi Orifice steam traps everyday.
A selection of industries where steam is an important part of the process include but are not limited to: