To make optimal use of steam in industry, reliable condensate removal is crucial. Mechanical steam traps often struggle with wear, failure, steam loss and high maintenance costs. Venturi orifice steam traps, such as the ECOFLOW™ system from EBE Engineering, offer a low-maintenance and cost-effective alternative.
1. Increased efficiency through improved condensate drainage
Leakage in mechanical steam traps is a common problem. This not only causes steam losses, but also leads to an increase in back pressure in the condensate system. The consequences of these overpressure problems are often not immediately apparent in the vicinity of the defective traps, which makes troubleshooting complicated and time-consuming. By effectively eliminating leakage, ECOFLOW™ Venturi orifice steam traps mitigate overpressure issues, prevent system disruptions and reduce the risk of costly production downtime.
2. Fewer spare parts to stock
Mechanical steam traps are maintenance-intensive. They require a large inventory of spare parts – especially if different types are used in the plant. If a fault occurs, the exact type must first be identified and the appropriate spare parts procured. Spare parts management is greatly simplified with ECOFLOW™ Venturi orifice steam traps. Thanks to their modular design, they cover a range of capacities, keeping the need for spare parts to a minimum.
3. Filtration makes cleaning easier
Steam systems often contain particles that can clog steam traps. While mechanical systems require extensive cleaning, ECOFLOW™ Venturi orifice steam traps have built-in filters that trap particles. These filters can be easily cleaned during regular maintenance, a process that takes only a few minutes.
4. Avoiding recurring failure and need for reinvestment
Mechanical steam traps are prone to operating wear and failure caused by cyclic operation. ECOFLOW™ Venturi orifice steam traps overcome these challenges because they are a solid state device which eliminates moving parts entirely. This innovative design prevents the wear and associated failure commonly experienced with mechanical traps, ensuring greater reliability and durability in steam system operations. They are not affected by water hammer that can be a feature of a steam system restart after a shutdown, meaning stress failures are a thing of the past.
5. Improved overall performance
With reduced maintenance and a longer service life, ECOFLOW™ Venturi orifice steam traps quickly pay for themselves. At the same time, the modular design ensures that maintenance work can be carried out more efficiently and with fewer personnel. Less time spent maintaining the steam system means that teams can focus on more strategically important maintenance work. This not only improves plant efficiency, but also increases productivity across the entire plant.
ECOFLOW™ Venturi orifice steam traps offer a forward-looking solution to the challenges for industrial steam system users. They increase efficiency, reduce maintenance and prevent costly system failures. At the same time, they enable maintenance personnel to focus on more important tasks instead of wasting time troubleshooting. This combination of reliability, cost savings and efficiency makes ECOFLOW™ Venturi orifice steam traps the ideal choice for industry – a real upgrade for any plant.